Thursday, October 1, 2009

Twinkie Please?

Today I almost ate a Twinkie... almost.

I already ate a jelly filled donut this morning mind you and know I'm going to kick myself for that tonight and maybe should skip dinner now and run a hundred miles (if I could run hundred miles that is), but I digress. So, there have been these Twinkies in the break room for two days now. Yesterday I resisted. I was strong. Having a conversation in my head something like this, "Hm, Twinkies. Wonder who brought those in? I haven't had a Twinkie in years... honestly, I can't remember the last time. Maybe I should try one. Just to see if they are half as good as I remember or don't remember them to be. *Slight pause* Nah, they're full of like a thousand calories... yeah I'm sure at least a thousand. I surely don't need that!" and I walked away.

But then there they were again this morning. Just sitting pawns on the break room table. Only three left. I decided to grab a donut instead (oh, because that has to be much healthier than a Twinkie, ya know. Plus I missed breakfast so it was totally justifiable, ahem.). GAH! I walked passed that break room multiple times today and there they were staring me down, but now sits only two. WALK AWAY! And that I did.

Finally around 3:30 I had to go down the hall to drop off some paperwork and for some reason convinced myself that this was my last chance... my last chance in probably another five years before I have the opportunity to try a Twinkie. I had made up my mind. There was no going back. Today would be the day I try a Twinkie and determine if it was indeed (or maybe not at all) worth it. And what do you know -- they were gone, GONE! It must have been a sign from God. I really didn't need a piddley Twinkie. Besides, it was probably gross anyways! Here's to self resistance (or lack thereof). I think today will mark the day that I start making a more conscience effort to watch what I eat.

Oh yeah, while I write this I'm nibbling away at a Ghirardelli dark chocolate square filled with raspberry filling, but whose keeping track, right? :)

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