Monday, September 28, 2009

25 Things I've Learned in 25 Years

As I always do around this time of year, I wanted to take some time to think about all the things I have experience and learned throughout my life.

So here it is , a list of twenty-five lessons I've learned thus far in life:

1. There’s nothing wrong with being best friends with your family. They will always be your biggest supporters and will stand behind you no matter what.

2. Salt is the cure to anything – tears, sweat, or the sea! And salt can even help heal a scraped knee. It may hurt like none other, but it sure does help it heal quickly. I’ll never forget the time Papa told me he was going to rub sugar in my scrape since I knew how bad salt hurt. He said the "sugar” wouldn’t hurt… sure enough, it was salt! OUCH! :)

3. People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Each one is truly important and shapes us into who we are today. True friendships last a lifetime even if you go too long without talking last. The ones that you pick up right where you left off with (even if it’s been months or years – it’s those relationships that are the most important).

4. Protective brothers are blessings in disguise. If only a 15 year old knew this truth. Regardless of the fact that on her first date two of her three brothers follow her to the movies and sit right across the aisle from her and her date.

5. Treat people with respect, encouragement and an open heart. It's not always easy, but at least you'll know you made the effort.

6. Your mom really does know what she’s talking about. She has lived it and knows what is in your best interest… like it or not! And yes, that even means when it comes to boys. :)

7. You can’t sell lemonade and trail mix (or painted wooden crosses made by Trevor out of kindling pieces) on the corner of a private driveway like you can in town.

8. It's true what they say about finding the person you will spend the rest of your life with. You just...know. With every inch of your being. And even on the bad days, you still feel it at your core - and that's what matters most.

9. Planning a wedding is the most exciting, joyful and exhilarating moment and every girl should experience it!

10. Now that I have Isabelle I truly grasp the love that my parents have for me and it completely blows me away!

11. It's so incredibly important to surround yourself with people who have the ability to bring out the best in you. The ones who inspire you, encourage you, help keep your head on straight, and give you a shoulder to cry on. These are the ones that matter. Anyone who doesn't bring out the best in you, perhaps isn't the best for you.

12. The dishes and piles of laundry will be there tomorrow, but you’re baby will only be little for so long. So leave the mess and enjoy every moment as a mommy… even those 3 a.m. wake ups. Instead of dreading not getting enough sleep, cherish the alone time you get with your little one.

13. Leaches, bird mites, and hornets won’t kill you, but they sure can get you into a mess.

14. Writing your deepest darkest sixth grade secrets in notes to friends and leaving them in your jean pockets for your mom to read is not the smartest idea. No wonder moms know everything.

15. I’m not cut out for watching scary movies and never will be…I’m okay with that.

16. First kisses are absolutely amazing - but so is realizing you're with the one who will receive your last kisses, and all the rest that fill the in-between.

17. While making Christmas cookies, getting the “goofies” and giggling for hours is sweeter than all the different delicious cookies put together.

18. You will never feel unsafe when riding in a car with your dad as the driver, but will feel the need to remind your husband to drive carefully over and over no matter the distance you are driving.

19. Living within walking distance from your Papa and Grandma is the ideal situation.

20. Being hardworking, optimistic, kind, honest, helpful, and always willing to learn will get you further in your career more than anything else.

21. Your happiness is determined by your attitude and reaction to situations. If you choose to be happy you will be happy. It’s a lot less work than you think.

22. Watching your body go through the transformation while growing a baby inside of you and then giving birth is one of your only chances in life to assist God in a miracle and it is such an amazing process.

23. You can never take too many pictures or eat too much ice cream!

24. Walking down the aisle with your dad to your new husband is more memorable than you can ever imagine. Your fairy tale is finally coming true and it seems so surreal.

25. You never know when and where you'll meet the people who end up being the most important. So, be friendly. And smile a lot.

1 comment:

  1. what a nice idea for a list! i love writing lists! (i even do an "i occasionally like ti make lists" bit on my blog). And what insightful things you've learned. I look forward to following you!
