Thursday, October 22, 2009


I knew I wanted to try to nurse until my babe was at least a year old, and to be honest with you, I would have gone longer if she wanted to. Around 8 months she really started to lose interest in nursing during the day, especially if we were around other people. She was like trying to hold a wild cat down – she’d suck for a minute, jerk off to see who was passing, and then wriggle and squirm until I put her down. We’d repeat these steps a few times in hopes to give her somewhat of a feeding, but after a few weeks of this I decided she was ready to cut back.

So it was an easy transition to start weaning her to only morning and night feedings. I worked my way down from two times to one and one time to no pumping at work in a couple weeks… HALLELUJAH! At this point I started introducing formula since I was practically only pumping to keep my production up and not nearly enough to feed my babe. The mere 2-3 ounces I would accumulate at each pumping was used to mix with the formula until she was used to it.

On a side note, can I say how disgusting I think formula is?! I don’t know what it is, but the smell is just about enough to make me sick. I’m not a fan and SO glad we only had to deal with that stuff for a few months.

She transitioned well and we eventually worked down to only one nursing a day usually around bedtime at around 10 months. By the time she was eleven months old I think I held on to the evening feeding just because I wasn’t ready to let go. I just loved being the one to provide this perfect nutrition for my baby (and deep down I wanted to make it to at least her first birthday). I know, call me silly, but I really was going to miss breastfeeding (pumping aside, of course). So we made it! And almost exactly to the day of her first birthday we quit breastfeeding and went straight to cow’s milk. She loved it and didn’t skip a beat.

Now as I look back on the last twelve months – the 2 a.m. feedings, the skipped lunches just to go nurse my babe, the sore nips, the countless hours of pumping, the engorged breast holding out to feed my babe rather than pumping, the milk pads, the leaking, the lack of sleep, the cleaning of pumping equipment after each pumping session… the hours and hours of alone time cuddled up with my babe while she nursed in my arms knowing that I was providing her with the best and healthiest source of nutrients possible. Yep, I’d say it was all worth it!

So before I started writing this post I had a different intent and context in mind. It’s funny how your mind does that. I guess this topic has just been on my heart lately. Hmmm, do you sense someone is possibly thinking about baby #2?! ;) The real topic of discussion, you ask. I’ll save it for my next post! Have a fabulous Thursday my friends!

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